

今天應該是我最後一次聽所上同學做年度報告 (希望明年可以順利畢業)。可惜的是我太忙,大概只聽了一半的報告。一如往常,各位地理學家的題目都好有意思!但跟第一年不同,除了有趣,我發現大家都題目即使背景差異極大,我也都聽得懂,並且都能找到跟我本身研究相關聯的地方。一直以來我都對於澳洲的博士研究體系感到困惑,跟美國不同,澳洲的博士班不用修課,基本上就是自學,自己念書,然後把博士論文寫完就畢業了。我常常在焦慮,是不是我最後只專精於自己的論文研究,而沒有紮實的知識系統?今天我終於了解,原來過去這三年沒有白費,所有讀過的書不指是幫助我理解自己的論文,不是只對解決自然資源管理有幫助,而是真正的建構了一套理解問題的系統。總之,澳洲的自學系統還是很有用的 (而且還很有效率呢!) Today might be the last time (fingers cross) I joined the annual postgrads presentation of the fellow geographers. As usual, I found every presentation was interesting (though I didn't sit through the whole day). But more importantly, I found that I could understand almost everyone's research, regardless the variety of the context. For example, I found the similarity bewteen  "disability in Australian city"  and my research in rural China. So after 3 years of PhD, I actually learn something  rather than my own project. Although the Australia system of PhD is pretty much self-learning, now I can confirm that this system works!
